
Hello, you are looking at documentation for Unior – HTML Bootstrap 5 AI Chat App Template. You will learn how to setup workspace, build and customize theme.

Since this theme is based on Bootstrap, you should check the official framework documentation before continuing.


To be able to use the Vite (build tool) you need to download and install Node.js from the official site. The suggested version to install is 20.18.0 LTS.

NPM modules

Make sure you've installed the themes dependencies (run this command in terminal from the template folder location):

cd path/to/template_folder
npm install


Now, modify your SCSS and HTML source files and run npm run start command in terminal for development or npm run build to build final production version of template. The Vite local web server will open default browser and show result of editing. When you are done just hit Ctrl + C or close terminal to stop local web server.

npm run start
npm run build

To preview built HTML files in browser run npm run preview command.

npm run preview
Please NOTE: To preview your built HTML files, you should use a local web server like Vite or upload your project to a live server.

SCSS customizing

To ensure correct future updates you can edit three files:

  • _custom-variables.scss _custom-variables-dark.scss: these files can be used to override Bootstrap and the template variables.
  • _custom-styles.scss: this file can be used for writing custom SCSS.

Package Updating

Stay tuned for package updates on the TemplateMonster marketplace. If you wish to update the package yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Update Node.js to actual version.
  2. Manually correct every dependencies version number in package.json file to actual version.
  3. From console run "npm install" command to update dependencies.
  4. If you also update Bootstrap dependencie solve possible errors in theme SCSS code related to Bootstrap.


Support is provided according to TemplateMonster marketplace rules.


v2.0.0 on

- Template start to require latest Node JS 20.18.0 LTS

- Updated dependencies in package.json.

- Updated Remixicon (icon font library) to latest version 4.3.0

- Replaced the outdated Gulp (task runner) with the modern Vite (build tool).

- Added front-end JavaScript PIN code functionality.

Known issues:

- It is not possible to open the built HTML files in a browser for viewing without using a local web server like Vite.

- Do not update the sass package beyond version 1.77.6 until Bootstrap is updated to version 5.4

v1.2.1 on

- Bootstrap updated to latest version 5.3.3

- Updated variables in variables.scss file to match the newest version of Bootstrap 5.3.3

- Updated dependencies in package.json.

- Template start to require latest Node JS 20.11.1 LTS

- Updated Remixicon (icon font library) to latest version 4.2.0

v1.2.0 on

- Bootstrap updated to latest version 5.3.2

- Updated dependencies in package.json.

- Fixed sass deprecation message in console output.

- Template start to require latest Node JS 20.11.0 LTS

- Added new content - PIN authentication Page

- Updated Remixicon (icon font library) to latest version 4.1.0

v1.1.0 - Bootstrap updated to latest version 5.3.0


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